Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Rowan Williams...

...also has some interesting things to say. Here's a taste from Sojourners:

There is a clinging to Jesus that shows itself in the longing to be utterly sure of our rightness. We want him where we can see him and manage him, so that we know exactly where to turn to be told that everything is all right and that he is on our side. We do it in religious conflicts, we do it in moral debates, and we do it in politics. We want to stand still and be reassured, rather than moving faithfully with Jesus along a path into new life whose turnings we don't know in advance. To have an absolute reassurance of our rightness somehow stands in the way of following Jesus to God. It offers us an image of ourselves that pleases and consoles, instead of the deeper and harder assurance of the gospel—that whether or not we have a satisfying image of ourselves, we have the promise of forgiveness and of a future.

Read the rest here:"Do Not Cling to Me."

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