Wednesday, November 24, 2004


The pumpkin swirl cheesecake is done (so are the spice cookies, most of which ended up as crust for the cheesecake), the crust for the apple pie is in the fridge, and I have finished knitting my first sock. Mariah says the heel is a little big but she loves it anyway, which is probably one of the reasons I love her so much. I took the advice I found on the Sock Page and cast on the second one right away. I've finished the cuff. So that's good.

Mariah and I went clothes shopping today (I'm not sure I can do it on Friday, but the day BEFORE Thanksgiving works ok) and we each bought two things at H&M. So that was fun.

And Nick and I finished reading The Sea of Trolls, which was pretty great.

Tomorrow I will make apple pie and this fabulous cranberry sauce--not the horseradish one, which is a pretty color but I won't eat, but the garlicky one, though I'm an overachiever and make my own whole-berry sauce first out of fresh berries. Why not? It's actually really easy and the chutney is amazing. Really.

And then we will go celebrate with many friends, all of whom are bringing other delicious things to eat. I'm a tiny bit sad that I'm not cooking the bird, as I love the leftovers, but I'm figuring I can get a turkey breast pretty cheap a the grocery store on Friday, so I'll survive. And there are a couple of fabulous sweet potato recipes I'll just do for us since someone else volunteered them (crossing my fingers that they don't involve marshmallows...).


Wormwood's Doxy said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I love the homemade cranberry relish with the oranges in it. My littles helped me make it last night, and you would have thought it was a delicate cheese souffle by the amount of effort and love they put into it. Sorting cranberries is an excellent task for a 3-year-old.

You knit too? I'm beginning to feel a little one-dimensional here.... ;-)

Libby said...

Happy T'day to you, too, W.D. And remember, I didn't say I knit well... and my kids are a little older and somewhat self-sufficient, at least some days. My 7-year-old is currently slicing grapes in half for a grape-cranberry salad...