Monday, November 17, 2008

too much

Becca's been blogging a lot lately, in what seems like one of those "I was thinking about giving up the blog" moments. I haven't been--not because I'm thinking of giving up the blog, but because we're at that point in the semester/year when I don't really have much time to think about anything. Over the weekend I speed-read my way through several critical books on children's literature, trying to determine which ones to nominate for the ChLA book award. I also did some knitting, and watched Nick pass another tae kwon do test, and made a run to Trader Joe's (now a weekly occurrence--yay!). The Trader Joe's run resulted in mostly home-made pizza (TJ crust and sauce), spinach salad, and apple-berry crisp for dinner last night, so that was definitely worth it. But for the most part I'm just hanging on right now, hoping that I reach the end of the year without too many loose ends flying.

Mariah's trying out a wheat-free diet (she had soup instead of pizza) at the moment as part of a battery of approaches to her chronic fatigue/pain (we're not sure yet if we can call it fibromyalgia, but it's definitely painful). So I made the crisp without wheat or butter and it was still really tasty. But I'm coming to the end of my imagination pretty quickly, so if anyone has fabulous wheat free recipes out there, I'll take them!

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