Saturday, August 02, 2003

getting organized

I've been investing in my career today--buying storage materials, boxes, file holders, all kinds of stuff so that I can organize the various bits of paper that flood my life. The idea is that once I'm organized I'll be more efficient, happier, more productive...

Or maybe just better organized. Actually at this point I'd settle for that.

One thing I've done is get bankers' boxes to store the kids' artwork & schoolwork in. So far it's just been lying around the house: taped to the refrigerator, hanging on Nick's clothesline art gallery in his room, propped up on a shelf, etc. Now each one has a large box full of stuff--and I have enough boxes that they can produce a lot more. While we were at it Nick went through his alphabet puppets--his kindergarten teacher had them produce one puppet for each letter. Each puppet had a name and a story, and the stories got retold in their homework journals. So we have the full sequence of puppets, and all the stories but one. (Nick was sick the week they did "S.") I have some fantasy that when he has a kindergartner he'll open the box and go through them all again... I know it's a fantasy, but it's a pretty harmless one.

Anyway things are looking a little neater around here, and that's all to the good.

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