Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What's going on

It's fall break so I'm working at home, and taking a few breaks to run some errands and read things I wouldn't otherwise be reading right now. I realize that the whole concept of "fall break" is foreign to folks not on academic calendars--or on the quarter system--but believe me, it's a necessity around here. I talk about it a little in today's Mama, PhD blog post at Inside Higher Ed.

One thing I haven't done over the break, but I managed to do a few days before it began, is make power bars. Yes, I'm so crafty, I made my own nut-and-seed snack foods, the kind that usually come in their own packaging! They are so easy I feel almost guilty posting about them--in fact, I realized as I was snarfing one up yesterday that they are a sort of grown-up rice krispie treat. Really! I mostly followed this recipe--which was linked in one of the other blogs I read but I can no longer track it down. Just FYI, I made the following changes: I added two tablespoons each (roughly) of hemp protein powder and flax seed meal, because I had them, and used a combination of pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds where the recipe calls for pecans, because I didn't have them. I think I may try these next--maybe with almond butter? Mmm...and chocolate chips?

It's back to the regular schedule tomorrow, but I'm hoping this break leaves me well-rested enough to make it to Thanksgiving without getting sick. (Fingers crossed...)


Becca said...

Wait, I'm still back with you adding the hemp protein powder and flax seed meal because you had them...

Caroline said...

What a funny coincidence -- somebody just gave me this woman's cookbook, which is gorgeous and mouth-watering. Now I'm putting things like mesquite flour and coconut oil on my grocery list.

I made a less rice krispy kind of granola bar last week -- a sort of peanut/cranberry cliff bar. I liked them fine, but not the kids, so we'll try these next.

Anonymous said...

Great post here AND at the column. It sounds like you are enjoying the break, and you deserve it!