Wednesday, December 21, 2005

slowing down

I know I haven't been the most faithful of bloggers--some weeks I'm all here, others not so much. This is one of the not so much, and it's going to stay that way for a while. Unlike Dr. B., I'm not done grading yet--and our deadline was extended, setting up the dangerous possibility that I will not finish by Christmas. That would be very, very bad.

On the other hand the freedom that the extended deadline has given me has produced several batches of cookies (OK, Mariah made two, but I made one by myself and Nick helped with one), some spiced nuts, a draft of a column, a finished clapotis (my third, and favorite), and some nice social time with friends. So it's not all bad.

I know I wanted to say more about keeping Christ in Christmas, and ANWAR (yay!), and Ian McEwan's Atonement, which I just finished, but instead I'll just say welcome to Miriam's new baby, born last week. Her name is Amelia, and it sounds as if labor was really really rough, but Miriam and Amelia are both well. So there's some happy holiday news!

I'll try to drop in again before Christmas if the grades are done. (Now, there's some incentive!)


Becca said...

Did you like Atonement? I loved it (I read it when I was alone in London for ten days two years ago and it just swept me up). I can't believe you've finished your third clapotis when I'm scared to even buy yarn for the damn thing.

Libby said...

Yes, Becca, I loved it, too. I had read papers about it (not for my class--I'm not THAT irresponsible) that intrigued me, but it took until now to find the time for it.

Don't fear the clapotis! My third, in a fairly lightweight silky wool, is the best...the merino one is HUGE and I love it, but it's hard to wear. The second is for my mom, who is getting it for looks like it worked, too, though. It's easy and fun to drop all those stitches.